Leadership Committee Meeting 08/26/2024

Included are the minutes from the July 28 meeting, and an overview of the July budget.

Purvis Methodist Church (PMC) Leadership Board Meeting Minutes 

July 28, 2024 

Present:  Ike Pylant, Steve Lazenby, Susan Parker, Donna Bielstein, Glen Herrin, Mike Hauk, Wayne Chance, Lib Knight, Faye Myatt, Eowyn Cenek, Hollis Turnage, Wendy Pugh, and Pastor Tim. 

The meeting was called to order by Ike Pylant. The meeting was opened with prayer by Pastor Tim. 

Finance Committee – Steve Lazenby reported there were no printed statements available for the meeting. His quick review found giving to date as of June at approximately one half of what we thought our budgeted amount for 2024 would be, so mid year, we are in good shape in his opinion. July giving is ahead of schedule, and he will have reports at the next monthly meeting, reflecting some clean up on the accounts. He is encouraged with what we are doing so far, and hopes it will continue. 

On that same thought of good news regarding finances, Mike Hauk informed the attendees the actual expense of the youth house insulation came in $1,800 less than expected. He also stated that Steve and Deborah Lazenby had worked many hours in getting the youth house ready. He thanked them and stated PMC owes them a debt of gratitude. 

Pastor’s Report Pastor Tim led the attendees in a “Prayer focus and Devotion” (copy attached). He gave the attendees the worship attendance report year to date through July 2024, reflecting an average of 72. This is a small drop in attendance average from the previous month at 74. However, we do not factor in “on-line viewing”, and he also informed the attendees that there is a sound issue on the on-line service that he is aware of, but as of yet, not certain how to remedy. The “Charter Sunday” will be November 10, 2024. Wayne Chance stated he has spoken with two previous pastors that had served at PMC, and Pastor Tim stated he had spoken with Reverend Tim Prather, also served previously at PMC, and he will be attending. Letters will be sent out in August, 2024, using the same list as the most recent pledge letter. There will be an RSVP option for those that cannot attend. We will have lunch and more information will be forthcoming. Pastor Tim asked that any additional information such as pictures, memories, humorous stories, past experiences, anything to help make the event memorable, please be sent by email. Glen Herrin suggested PMC should invite Reverend Eric Davis (Wesley Foundation) and his family to be our guest. 

Trustees Report – Mike Hauk 

Youth House – The youth house cleaning and preparation was successful. A list of the status of the current projects at the “Old Parsonage” is listed on the agenda (copy attached). It is ready 

and expected they will move in soon. Again Mike stated much appreciation for all the work that Steve and Deborah Lazenby contributed. 


Office Air Conditioner – The a/c unit in the office requires action. Two options are outlined on the agenda (copy attached), with a recommendation by Mike Hauk. A motion was made by Glen Herrin to spend the estimated $3,000 to purchase and install a new compressor. Lib Knight seconded the motion. Motion carried with show of hands. No opposed. 

A motion to accept the minutes of the meeting held on June 30, 2024, (copy of minutes attached), was made by Eowyn Cenek. Mike Hauk seconded the motion. Motion carried. No opposed. 

Pastor Tim stated the Youth committee will meet with him. He has someone in mind that he anticipates asking to volunteer with the youth, but nothing definite yet since he has not approached anyone. There are youth that did not follow April Brewer to Oak Grove, and others, so he believes there is the making of a Youth Group at PMC. He hopes to start as soon as possible. 

Wayne Chance shared that he has made a mental inventory of several young adults and others not attending Sunday School at PMC. He feels their is a need for a new Sunday School class to be offered. His previous class no longer meets. Discussion followed amongst the attendees. He asked the attendees to think about it, talk about it, and serve if led, since we will need teachers as well as members. 

PMC Website – Eowyn Cenek informed the attendees the structuring is there; the information is not. We can include anything…cooking team, mission pantry, nursery hours, any Church activity or schedule. Send her the actual information in detail so the site is the most helpful it can be. Pastor Tim thanked Eowyn for her services with the church website. 

The annual “Parsonage Inspection” is to be conducted tomorrow, July 29, 2024, and the report will be available for next month’s meeting. 

Pastor Tim thanked everyone for coming to the meeting. He asked anyone in attendance not on the Leadership Team to leave so the executive session can begin. 

Executive Session began. 

The meeting was closed with prayer by Pastor Tim. 
What follows below is the July budget overview, including actual and budgeted income and expenditures both for July, and for the year to date.

Budgeted Income:
Regular offerings26,70223,066157,204161,463
Other **0000
Total Income$26,702$23,066$157,204$161,463
Budgeted Expenses:
Pastor Salary/Benefits8,6018,86562,17562,055
Other Salary Expenses5,4935,85441,86240,981
Worship/Special Programs244851,0973,397
Global Methodist giving1,1436672,2864,667
Total Budgeted Expenditures$20,405$23,066$153,739$161,462
Budget Surplus/(Shortage)$6,297$0$3,465$1
(Income minus Expenses)

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