
Welcome to Purvis Methodist Church!

Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ! As the pastor of Purvis Methodist Church, it is my joy and privilege to welcome you to our faith community. Whether you are visiting our website for the first time or are a long-standing member, we embrace you with the love and warmth that embodies our church family.

Our mission at Purvis Methodist is clear and heartfelt: to make disciples of Jesus Christ who worship passionately, love extravagantly, and witness boldly. This mission is the heartbeat of everything we do and guides us in our journey of faith.

Worship Passionately: In our worship, we seek a deep and genuine connection with God. We believe in surrendering to and being fully devoted to one God – the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Our worship is an expression of our profound passion for what is important to God, as we gather to praise, learn, and grow together in His presence.

Love Extravagantly: The teachings of Jesus Christ implore us to love God wholeheartedly and to love our neighbors as ourselves. This is not just a command; it is our heartfelt desire. We aim to demonstrate the extravagant love of God in the person of Jesus Christ to everyone we encounter. Our community is built on this foundation of unconditional love, and we strive to extend it beyond the walls of our church.

Witness Boldly: We are entrusted with a life-saving and transforming message – the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Our commitment is to share this message boldly, compellingly, and fearlessly. We believe that our mission advances when individuals embrace the call to become disciples of Jesus Christ, joining God’s mission to make more disciples.

As you explore our website and learn more about our church, we invite you to join us in this beautiful journey of faith. Whether through worship, community involvement, or personal spiritual growth, there is a place for you here at Purvis Methodist Church.

Come, be a part of our family, as we seek to live out our calling in Christ – worshiping passionately, loving extravagantly, and witnessing boldly.

In Christ’s Love,

Tim Sisk

Pastor, Purvis Methodist Church